Hope everyone had a great Halloween! I had a great time this year putting on my annual display for the neighborhood kids. It's as fun for me as it is for them! The front porch is my stage for a night, and I have parents often pulling out their cameras to make it a lasting memory for the little ones. It's a fun weekend of preparation where I whip out crafting supplies and create props for the porch, windows, and my witchy attire. :)

When all is ready, the scene is set to the organ of Bach's Tocatta, and the trick-or-treaters start walking up the witch's way. . .

Fun spooky silhouettes I made for the window, containing the
silhouette of my "twin" sister as she makes another batch of her
special brew. . . ;)

A phantom from Venice came to visit and joined me for the party.
As usual, all the fun ended far too fast! Looking forward to another "boo"-tiful one next year!
Thanks, Chelsea!
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