Big thanks to the editors behind Punk Soul Poet for inviting me to be a part of their launch issue. A new, LA-based virtual art and literary mag, Punk Soul Poet is devoted to art, the written word, and the punk soul, with the mission of "strengthen[ing] the bond between the arts" in true "punk" spirit, naming "Patti Smith, Oscar Wilde, Spalding Gray, Frida Kahlo, Hunter S. Thompson, and Jim Carroll, among others" as role models.
I was honored and happy to have my work serve as the subject for poetry featured in this issue, and fell in love with the poets' various interpretations of the paintings. Congrats to the poets whose submissions were selected for the article: Ariel Jastromb, Jenna Schlosbon, Katie G, Laurie Foster Palmer, and Cassie Ann Ross. They were a joy to read!
Check it all out here -- Punk Soul Poet: Inspired by artist Andrea Kowch
Official Site -- http://www.punksoulpoet.com/